About us

We believe in the one true God, maker of all things, Father of all humanity, the source of all goodness, beauty, truth and love.

We believe in Jesus Christ, God made manifest in the flesh, our teacher, example, Redeemer and only Savior of the world.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, God present with us for guidance, for comfort, a life of prayer, and in grace equal to every need.

We believe the Word of God as contained in the Old and New Testaments as the sufficient rule both of faith and of practice.

We believe in the church as the fellowship for worship and for service for all who are united to the living Lord.

We believe in the Kingdom of God as the divine rule of human society and in the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God.

We believe in the ultimate triumph of righteousness, and in everlasting life.

To that end, we are identified in The United Methodist Church as a Confessing Congregation, preaching and teaching the traditional doctrines of the Christian faith.

Sunday Morning Worship is held each week at 9:00 AM. Children are always welcome and a "Children's Moment" is always a part of our worship. A nursery for young children is available as is Children's Church (September to May) for children three years old through first grade.
Music is an important and integral part of this service as evidenced through the hymns, choruses, the piano and organ accompaniment, and our Chancel choirs, as well as through the talents of other gifted individuals.  The style of worship is a blend of contemporary choruses, traditional hymns, and a relaxed atmosphere with a respect for the historical teachings of the church.

Communion is celebrated regularly and the sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at various times throughout the year.

In addition to weekly worship opportunities, special worship services are held frequently throughout the year for such occasions as: Ash Wednesday, Lenten Midweek services, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Ascension Day, Summertime Outdoor Worship Service, Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

Christian Education opportunities abound at The Fredericksburg United Methodist Church. On Sunday mornings Christian education classes are held for all ages. There are currently two class offerings for children grade five and below, one youth class and one adult classes

We care about families with young children and offer loving care to our little ones. Infants are cared for in our nursery area which includes a sleeping and nursing mother room, a play area for toddlers and a bathroom designed just for our precious small children. Nursery care is provided during the Sunday School hour and during worship.

Each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. we share in "Cup of Fellowship" as a time to meet one another and fellowship with others. Snacks and drinks are provided during this time in the Fellowship Hall.

Many family activities are held throughout the year to encourage participation by everyone - such as dinner theater trips, camping weekends, apple cide making, and skating parties just to name a few. A complete listing of events is available by obtaining a church newsletter.

The King's Daughters (a womens group) meet the fourth Thursday of every other month and conduct various activities in the life of the church, such as volunteering at the Mennonite Relief Center, a Christmas Banquet, fund raising activities and service projects around the church.


Each summer we offer a one week long Vacation Bible School program for children age 3 through completed 6th grade. The program begins daily at 6:30 pm and ministers to an average of more than 45 children. Our next Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June  2014.
